Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
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Blog Topics

Kids Corner: Why Learning English Through Play is So Important
This week we are talking about learning English and the psychology of learning languages - exciting!

Kids Corner: What’s the Best Way to Prepare for My GCSE English Literature Exam?
Many GCSE Students are already preparing for their English Literature Exams next year, and the pressure from teachers and adults is quite bad. With all that pressure, it can be hard to know what the best way to prepare really is. That’s why I’m here to give you impartial (not biased and not related to my own success) advice.

Kids Corner: GCSE Exam strategy for English Literature
The most important part of it is to know what the examiners are looking for in the marking scheme….

Kids Corner: Comparing and Analysing poetry - Literary techniques
Part four of analysing and comparing poetry for GCSE and A-Level is Literary techniques!

Kids Corner: Analysing and comparing Poems for GCSE - contents
Welcome to part three of how to analyse and compare poetry for GCSE and A Level English!

Kids Corner: How to identify themes in English literature
A lot of my students have difficulty identifying themes. If you also find this difficult…

Kids Corner: Analysing Poetry Structure
Oh, I see! You need to analyse poetry for your exams. What absolutely delightful fun… OK it’s not really fun…

Kids Corner: GCSE - Similes in Creative Writing
Similes are cool ways of describing things when you do creative writing.

Kids Corner: Upgrade your English Descriptions
How can you improve your creative writing the most in just one step? Level up your descriptive writing!

Kids Corner: Why you should be proud of your English
It’s no secret that speaking English as a second language, with other young people who speak English natively, can be really scary and embarrassing.

Kids Corner: Gamify your English homework
Habitica is a great way to gamify things in your life that are a bit… boring?

Kids Corner: Practice your English with Uno!
Here’s another way you can practice your English skills but also have fun! I am full of good ideas, don’t test me!

Kids Corner: No child left behind reading and writing
Every kid should be given the help they need to read and write in English when they need the English language. I truly believe that, but sadly this is not always what happens.

Kids Corner: A Fun English activity for a Rainy Day
How can you help your kids learn, and have fun, on a rainy day? Make an English Treasure Trail!

Kids Corner: Why you should proof read out loud
Why should you always proofread your work out loud before you give it to your teacher?

Kids Corner: More free English Games for Kids
Hey parents! I have some new free online English learning games to recommend for your kids. If they get as excited about these two its time for a trip to the hospital… or a week’s break or something… that doesn’t look healthy.

Kids Corner: How to write a great story story

Kids Corner: Good cartoons to learn English
It’s not every day you wake up as a cartoon. I decided to make the most of it. My hair looks good so it’s OK. Anyway, it made me think about other cartoons that are good for learning English.

Kids Corner: English battle with your kids!
Put your hands down! This war is fought with words! English battle is a very silly, very effective, and fun way to learn and practice English.

Kids Corner: Practice English Geocaching
Do you want a fun way to enjoy the weather, get some adventure, and practice your English? What about Geocaching?