Kids Corner: A Fun English activity for a Rainy Day

The Summer holidays are almost here. The kids are home from school, and sometimes they don’t know what to do. How can you help your kids learn, and have fun, on a rainy day? Make an English Treasure Trail! This is also a great way for you to practice YOUR English!

You can make a treasure trail for your children, or with your children. You can build it inside the home, or even outside on a sunny day. You can also change the difficulty, or the clues, based on how old your child is, and what their English level is!

Let’s have a look at how to build a treasure trail:

• Get something that you can use as the final reward (the treasure) and hide it somewhere your child will never guess.

• Think about what your child is learning in English and use this to think of how you will write the clues in the next step.

• Write out a clue to where the treasure is on a piece of paper. Hide this piece of paper.

• Now write a clue to where the first piece of paper was hidden. Hide this piece of paper.

• Create a clue trail as long as you think will be fun and challenging for your child.

• When your treasure trail is ready, give your child the first clue and tell them there is treasure at the end of the trail. They can keep it if they can follow the clues!

Remember that it will take much longer to build the trail than it will to follow it! So, make sure you have lots of fun clues. With younger children, I recommend adding “mini-treasure” every few clues to keep them interested!

After the trail, your child/children might want to try and make you a trail to follow! It’s great practice for kids, and lots of fun on a rainy day. Have you tried making a treasure trail? How did it go?

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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