Business Builder: Business English for Banking
Business English is a passport (travel document) to the English-speaking world, and each sector (job area you work in) has different vocabulary, skills, and grammar. Let’s take a look at Business English for Banking.
Business Builder: Supporting Your Customers and Sounding Like You Care
You might be thinking, “Sounding like we care? Of course we care about our customers!” Let me ask you, when you are on the phone to customer services, listening to someone read the same script for the 3000th time, do you feel like the representative cares? I’m going to guess the answer is “no”.
Business Builder: Making Christmas Time Office Greetings Easy
I’m extremely happy to tell you that the modern workplace is a multicultural environment, which means most people have colleagues from other cultures and parts of the world. Wonderful! The problem is, that when it comes to Christmas time in a traditionally Christian country, people are not sure what to say.
Business Builder: Translations of Corporate Jargon
The most important part of speaking English is being understood, and that is especially important when you are speaking English for Business. There’s no point giving your team instructions in a language they don’t speak.
Business Builder: How to Make Reports More Interesting to Read in English
No matter how advanced your English is, it can be a real challenge to make paperwork interesting to read. It is especially difficult to do when English is your second language. So, I’m here to give you some very simple tips that will help you create paperwork people want to read.
Business Builder: Is My Business Contact in the USA / UK Being Impolite?
If you are a business person and you are experienced with talking to mostly British or American contacts, you might ask yourself this question sometimes: Are they being impolite to me?