Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘Mistake’
Welcome to the Vocabulary Showcase where we look at common English vocabulary and see if we can learn other words with similar meanings. But, first of all, what on earth is happening in this picture? It makes absolutely no sense, and when I saw it, I knew I had to use it.
Vocabulary Showcase: Where Does the World Albino Come from?
Have you ever seen a white wallaby? A white squirrel? Have you been lucky enough to see a white peacock? I saw white (albino) wallabies in the zoo, and my brain went to where it always goes… where does the word ‘albino’ come from?
Vocabulary Showcase: Where Does the Word ‘Hedgehog’ Come from?
How often do you learn a new word in a foreign language and think about where that word came from? How was it ‘born’, who were it’s ‘language parents’? Most people look at the little spikey creature with its pointy face, little black eyes and cute little feet and think “That’s a hedgehog” and go no further. I’m Lana Betts though and I’m always curious, so join me in my hedgehog investigation.