Free GCSE English Resources

A little Extra Support for Your GCSE Journey

Welcome to the Wright English GCSE Resources List. All the materials on this list are freely available for students and teachers to use for classes and self-study. These are all materials I have made myself, so please do not remove the Wright English Branding or claim it as your own. Thank you, and enjoy!

General GCSE English Resources

All GCSE and A-Level Goblin Blog Posts - all blog posts written to support GCSE students with their English learning and revision.

All Blog Posts about GCSE English Materials

Point Evidence Analysis Development (PEAD)

  • PEAD Paragraph Courtroom Tutorial - a detailed explanation of how to write a good PEAD paragraph, with examples of good and bad paragraphs.

  • How to Choose Quotes (coming soon) - A step-by-step guide to deciding what to quote for the Evidence part of your PEAD paragraphs.

  • How to Analyse Quotes (coming soon) - A step-by-step guide to analysing your quotes for the Analysis part of your PEAD paragraphs.

GCSE English Literature

GCSE Language

this page is under construction, there will be more resources coming!

Exam Strategy and Mental Health