Kids Corner: Upgrade your English Descriptions


How can you improve your creative writing the most in just one step? Level up your descriptive writing! Get out there, grab those boring old adjectives (describing words) and bring in some new, shiny, fancy adjectives!

Let’s have a look at some common adjectives and give them a little upgrade:

• Fluffy – fleecy

• Cute – adorable

• Wet – sodden

• Confused – bamboozled

• Cold – frigid

• Small – miniature

• Big – gargantuan

• Sweet- candied

• Bitter - tart

• Shiny – gossamer

• Stale – musty

• Slim – svelte

• Nice – pleasant

• Good – splendid

• Bad - appalling

• Square – boxy

• Rounded – cylindrical

Congratulations you just levelled up your descriptive English vocabulary with some spectacular new adjectives! What would you add to this list?

To find out more about the private English lessons I teach online, visit You can book a free trial lesson with me, just email!

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