Kids Corner: Why you should be proud of your English

It’s no secret that speaking English as a second language, with other young people who speak English natively, can be really scary and embarrassing. In my opinion as an English teacher, and as a non-native German speaker who knows exactly how that feels, there are many reasons to be proud of yourself for speaking ANY English.

Here is my list of reasons you should speak your English with confidence and pride:

• Language learning is one of the most difficult skills you will ever study!

• You are out in the real world using that wonderful skill, and that is impressive!

• Do any of these people speak your language? I didn’t think so.

• Do any of these people even speak a second language? Most English people only speak English!

• Good friends have time and patience for you. Good teachers have time and patience for you. Good staff anywhere have time and patience for you!

• You will never be perfect; you will always make mistakes. This makes you just like a native speaker! I TEACH English and I make mistakes!

• English is a complicated language. The pronunciation makes no sense, the grammar rules are broken, and we have words that mean about 7 different things at the same time. You are doing a wonderful job speaking it.

I hope you can see now that you are kicking butt every day speaking English to native speakers. Some people do not have patience, or do not understand how difficult it can be. Those people are not worth your time. Don’t let them bring you down!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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