Vocabulary Showcase: Happy Youth Day!
Happy Youth Day everyone! Youth day is all about celebrating the bravery, dedication (never giving up), and idealism (wanting the best) of young people. Let’s look at some synonyms for youth!
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “ignore”
So, how about the word “ignore”? Are there other ways to say that? This is English, of course there are hundreds of ways to say that!
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “scientific”
In my quest to help you use different words and increase your vocabulary, I have prepared some synonyms for “scientific” for you. Let’s take a look together at these words in use!
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “make”
I love making things, that doesn’t mean they are always brilliant works of art, but they are fun to try. Let’s have a look together at some other words that mean “make”, and expand our creative vocabularies.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘oblivious’
Larry is going to have a very nasty surprise in a moment. For now though, he is totally ‘oblivious’ to the cat that is stalking him (he has no idea). Let’s take a look at other words which mean oblivious.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Colourful”
All of nature is soon going to have a colour explosion. Let’s have a look at some synonyms for colourful.
Vocabulary Showcase: “love”
Maybe you are all loved out already, but let’s have a look at some other ways of saying love in English
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for "Eat”
First of all, that kangaroo is having the best day. Look at the size of that carrot. He is in heaven. He is having a wonderful time eating that carrot. How else could we describe him eating?
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “problems”
We all have problems. If you don’t have problems, it most likely means you have problems, you just have not seen them yet! It does not mean you have to get down about them
Vocabulary Showcase: “evolve” synonyms
This is a pretty good example of why I do not get to decide what animals look like. We would all be knee deep in catephants and catoppotamuses by the weekend. Is a cat parrot a carrot?
Vocabulary Showcase: “Natural”
I listen to those around me in the winter, and they see it as cold, dark, sad, and depressing. When I look around in the winter, I see stunning natural beauty all around me.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “support”
We are living in strange times. We can survive these times together if we support each other. Let’s look at synonyms for “support” and look at ways we can do it:
Vocabulary Showcase: “new”
It’s January 2021, and I don’t know about you, but I have been desperate to start this year and leave 2020 behind.
Vocabulary Showcase: “Christmas time”
We are all in that lovely period between Christmas and New Year where it is traditional to get fat, sleep in, hug the pets, watch terrible TV, and drink too much.
Vocabulary Showcase: Describing Weather
Do you know how to describe the weather? The old joke is that the English only talk about the weather
Vocabulary Showcase: Imperfect
Let’s celebrate all about us that is imperfect and makes us special, fun, and human. I have a funny mole on my face that my Mum calls my “cornflake” and I always say “car park” wrong (par cark).
Vocabulary Showcase: ‘fake’
Spotting what is fake or not has become our new favourite hobby in 2020. It is a very important skill. Here are some synonyms with slightly different uses.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Freedom”
November the 9th is the day the Berlin Wall came down, and American Freedom Day. To celebrate freedom let’s have a look at some synonyms.
Vocabulary Showcase: Cosy synonyns
It’s autumn, and fast approaching winter. Get your blankets out, put that kettle on, and snuggle up with me in front of the fire. Let’s have a look at some cosy synonyms in use.
Vocabulary Showcase: “Fear”
Welcome to the season of spooks. It is the time of the Halloweenies in English-speaking countries. To help you get in the mood we are exploring synonyms for the word “fear”. Let’s have a look at these words in sentences, but not just any sentences, spooky, freaky Halloweeny sentences!