Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
Blog Topics

What The Fluff Wednesday: My Unplanned Blogging “Holiday”
Happy What The Fluff Wednesday everyone. I’m here to tell you about where the Weird But Educational Wright English blog went for a week and why. There might also be some new words for you in this article with explanations.

What The Fluff Wednesday: I’m a Cat With a Laptop Meme (and FAQ)
I’m a highly productive cat on a keyboard. Actually I’m a real human with thumbs and everything. Look this is me, a real human being (and that’s my old Wright English logo).

Wright English Updates: What Does Ethical Business Look Like at Wright English?
Unlike a lot of other businesses, I am just one woman, and I can honestly say that sustainability, responsibility, and supporting others have always been important parts of what I do. That made me think about having a little brag (saying how great I am) about what I do at Wright English to keep my business ethical (good/kind/moral).

Wright English Update: Complete Guide to English Tenses Now Available
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Wright English: Give Your Business the Gift of Professional Copy Writing and Editing
If you want to promote your business, reach new audiences, change the style or tone, or even start adding articles to attract search engines, I have two options to offer you at extremely affordable prices.

Blog Updates: It’s Time for Some Change
The Wright English Blog started in July 2020, so I have been writing about learning English, giving advice, making stupid memes, and helping students for over 4 years now. OK, OK, there was a very large 2-year gap, so maybe only 2 years!

Wednesday Wildcard: Where Have You Been for 2 Years?
I promise that’s not me! I’m fine. I have been very busy for the last 2 years and I will share some of that with you now.

Wright English updates: Juggling all summer
Have I been too bored doing nothing all summer to update you all and write articles? Oh no no no no no! Deary me no…

Proofreading Service Available
You could get your entire project proofread in record time…

Wright English is 2 years old!
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken part in any way with the building of Wright English.

Wednesday Wildcard: New Wright English Office Colours!
Jaqueline Wright (My Mum) is the best! She came and decorated the office for me while I was on holiday!

Business Builder: Business English for Undertaking
As a non-native English speaker, you may find that your language skills lead to misunderstandings, or uncomfortable moments…

Special Offer: Refer a Friend - Get a Free Lesson!
So how does the refer a friend special offer work? Simple! Follow these steps…

Saturday Supplement: Inner rest day
I’m taking today as a rest day; a live in my head day and going back to a little peace.

Saturday Supplement: Head of IR injured in vicious rat attack
Breaking News: Kodi Betts, Head of Inhuman Resources (IR) for Wright English, has been seriously injured in a vicious rat attack.

Thank you for 500 subscribers!
Last weekend I saw the subscribers at 380 and I thought “Hmm in two weeks or so I will need to do a 400-subscriber post”.

Saturday Supplement: Sometimes you just need to relax
Make sure you give yourself time off from that hard work on your English skills.

Saturday Supplement: Coffee Prayer
I would like to take the opportunity today to thank our lord, coffee, for all the joy it brings to our lives at Wright English.

10% Off Summer Special Offer
What is that you say? 10% off all lessons for new customers in July and August 2021? That is correct!

Happy Birthday Wright English. 1 Year old!
Happy Birthday Wright English!