Business Builder: Business English for Undertaking

As a worker in the undertaking industry, you know that clarity, compassion, and professionalism, are paramount (the most important thing). As a non-native English speaker, you may find that your language skills lead to misunderstandings, or uncomfortable moments, that really are not appropriate at a time of loss.

Improving your English language skills with a native speaker, privately, and online, could be the solution you are looking for to give your business the professional polish you need. Learning with Wright English, you work with a professional English teacher who specialises in teaching her clients exactly what they need for their professional lives. We will work on improving the communication you have with your clients, suppliers, and staff. Everything you tell me about your working day helps me to personalise lessons just for you. Whether it is your grammar, vocabulary, confidence, or any other area you would like to work on, we will identify it and it together.

If you would like to improve the business English you use in your daily working life, think about booking a free trial lesson with me by emailing We can meet in a private video chat online, and begin building a learning plan made exactly for you and your learning needs.

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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