Saturday Supplement: Coffee Prayer

I would like to take the opportunity today to thank our lord, coffee, for all the joy it brings to our lives at Wright English. As the patron saint of Wright English, we give thanks to coffee every morning for bringing us tastiness, and happiness.

This is my prayer to coffee:

Oh coffee,

You bring us strange gurgling noises in the morning when I turn the machine on.

You taste really nice and make me feel slightly less unhappy about getting out of bed.

You do create more washing up, but for you oh coffee I would wash many a mug.

Oh coffee,

Thank you for the quick awakening, and the ability to work in the morning.

Thank you for being easily reheatable because frankly I constantly forget I made you.

Thank you for being a great match for basically any food, and putting me in a better mood.

Oh coffee,

How can I thank thee? Your beans bring me joy, and keep me employed.

Oh coffee,

Thank you for gracing me with your warm loving hugs from inside my belly.

Do you worship the bean? What is your coffee prayer? Oh yeah, I teach English by the way. To find out more about the private English lessons I teach online, visit You can book a free trial lesson with me, just email!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

Sunday Funday: We Speak English not Bingo


Gateway to Grammar: Some and one to speak like a native English-speaker