Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
Blog Topics

Kids Corner: GCSE Exam strategy for English Literature
The most important part of it is to know what the examiners are looking for in the marking scheme….

Kids Corner: Comparing and Analysing poetry - Literary techniques
Part four of analysing and comparing poetry for GCSE and A-Level is Literary techniques!

Kids Corner: How to identify themes in English literature
A lot of my students have difficulty identifying themes. If you also find this difficult…

Kids Corner: Analysing Poetry Structure
Oh, I see! You need to analyse poetry for your exams. What absolutely delightful fun… OK it’s not really fun…

Kids Corner: Upgrade your English Descriptions
How can you improve your creative writing the most in just one step? Level up your descriptive writing!

Wednesday Wildcard: Use poetry to improve your English
Is there a little voice in you that wants to play with colours or build something? Maybe you are a creative soul. I like to look for new and creative ways to learn English, and this week I want to talk about poetry.

Gateway to Grammar: The Word Sandwhich (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs)

Kids Corner: Expanded Noun Phrases
Expanded Noun Phrases are little sentences that teach you an awful lot (a big amount) about how to make sentences in English.

Kids Corner: Prepare your kids for the 11+ Grammar School exam.
You know if you have a tiny genius walking around in your house. If your smart kid is still at junior school, you should think about helping your little genius prepare for the 11+ exam.

Kids Corner: Writing for an audience
So, you are a smart kid. You can probably write stories already. You may have written many stories. Do you ever think about who you are writing for though? Who is your audience? What would they want?

Kids Corner: I will teach with puppets!
Yes, puppets! So far, I have taught lessons with Rambo the badger and Gordon the gofer but I assure there are more puppets waiting and ready if needed.

Kids Corner: Funny Poems for Kids
“Oh flowery fluffy love muffin, how doth thy……” *SNORE*. Don’t worry I find that kind of poetry really boring too. But I have good news!