Wright English Update: Complete Guide to English Tenses Now Available
Read MoreGateway to Grammar: Verb Families Part 7 - The “O_E” Family
It’s grammar o’clock everyone, and we are adding the “O_E” Family! The “O_E” Family are a group of irregular verbs that change in a similar way in the past simple and the present perfect (3rd form / past participle).
Kids Corner: Why Learning English Through Play is So Important
This week we are talking about learning English and the psychology of learning languages - exciting!
What the Fluff Wednesday: English is “Easy”
I’m an English teacher, and many people have told me how “easy” English is to learn. I like to remind people that reading English and speaking English are two different things, and for many people, it’s a bit like roulette choosing the spelling and pronunciation.
Wright English: Give Your Business the Gift of Professional Copy Writing and Editing
If you want to promote your business, reach new audiences, change the style or tone, or even start adding articles to attract search engines, I have two options to offer you at extremely affordable prices.
Blog Updates: It’s Time for Some Change
The Wright English Blog started in July 2020, so I have been writing about learning English, giving advice, making stupid memes, and helping students for over 4 years now. OK, OK, there was a very large 2-year gap, so maybe only 2 years!
Gateway to Grammar: Verb Families pt.2 The “Ought” Family
This week we are looking at the verb family “Ought”. Verb families are groups of English verbs that sound similar when you conjugate them (use them in different times and tenses).
Kids Corner: What’s the Best Way to Prepare for My GCSE English Literature Exam?
Many GCSE Students are already preparing for their English Literature Exams next year, and the pressure from teachers and adults is quite bad. With all that pressure, it can be hard to know what the best way to prepare really is. That’s why I’m here to give you impartial (not biased and not related to my own success) advice.
Business Builder: Is My Business Contact in the USA / UK Being Impolite?
If you are a business person and you are experienced with talking to mostly British or American contacts, you might ask yourself this question sometimes: Are they being impolite to me?
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Cozy”
This week, we are looking at synonyms (words with the same meaning) for “cozy”, which means feeling comfortable, warm, and safe.
Gateway to Grammar: Verb Families Part 1: “En”
Welcome back to Gateway to Grammar. It’s Verb Families again and we are adding the “En” family as part….1? Yes. I know… we just did part 6 and now we are back at part 1. I will be honest I have no idea where parts 1 and 2 went, and I have been unable to find them.
Wednesday Wildcard: Where Have You Been for 2 Years?
I promise that’s not me! I’m fine. I have been very busy for the last 2 years and I will share some of that with you now.
Wright English updates: Juggling all summer
Have I been too bored doing nothing all summer to update you all and write articles? Oh no no no no no! Deary me no…
Proofreading Service Available
You could get your entire project proofread in record time…
Gateway to Grammar: Please Proofread
Oh, look everybody! It’s that time of the week again where I scream at everyone to proofread!
Business Builder: Conditionals for Politeness
In many business cultures across the world, if you need something or want to offer something you can simply say, “I need this”…
Vocabulary Showcase: Phrases for hot weather
It’s July everyone! So, it’s time to complain about it being far too hot! It is a British tradition.
Gateway to Grammar: Every singular noun needs an article
Today I’m here to remind you that every singular noun needs a buddy (friend)…
Kids Corner: GCSE Exam strategy for English Literature
The most important part of it is to know what the examiners are looking for in the marking scheme….
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “dreamer”
We all know someone who is a “dreamer"; someone who always has their mind on a wonderful ideal future…