Sunday Funday: English steals from Everyone
The English language? You mean Greek, German, Dutch, French, Latin, Hindi, and “Internet” all smashed together right? Yeah, that’s English.
Saturday Supplement: Fat Robin needs Fashion Advice
Your advice is urgently needed for a Fat Robin mascot who needs a new hat.
Gateway to Grammar: English Comparatives and Superlatives
To understand how to turn an adjective (a word that describes a noun) into a comparative (a word that compares things) or a superlative (a word that describes something as having the most of a quality), you need to understand syllables.
Kids Corner: Free Practice 19th Century book online
Part of your exam might be reading a bit of 19th century English that you have never seen before. How do you prepare for that? Well, you get reading as much 19th century English as you can before you get to that exam.
Business Builder: 10 Business English email acronyms
Here are 10 frequently used email acronyms (shortened letter versions of phrases) to learn as a priority.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “problems”
We all have problems. If you don’t have problems, it most likely means you have problems, you just have not seen them yet! It does not mean you have to get down about them
Sunday Funday: Too good at English
I cannot tell you how many times I have looked at an electrical socket and the only word that will come to my mind is "steckdose". Thank you German, thank you so much!
Saturday Supplement: A message from our CEO
Nanook Betts, CEO of Wright English: “Dear Humans. Welcome to my favourite cardboard box, and thank you for following the progress of my English teaching business. Yes, you may touch my tummy…
Gateway to Grammar: Phrasal verbs using “drop”
Thanks for dropping by! The main verb “drop” pairs up with a few prepositions and makes phrasal verbs in the English language
Kids Corner: Hangman to teach English literacy
Are you trying to help someone improve their spelling or writing? For beginners this can be a very challenging process. For children with learning disabilities, it can be stressful and embarrassing. So why not make a game of it?
Wednesday Wildcard: Polite English phrases for restaurants now available
A new English phrase sheet is available for polite English phrases at restaurants!
Business Builder: Business Small talk
You want to say something to break the ice (make things more comfortable). This is a very common situation in business, and an excellent way to network.
Vocabulary Showcase: “evolve” synonyms
This is a pretty good example of why I do not get to decide what animals look like. We would all be knee deep in catephants and catoppotamuses by the weekend. Is a cat parrot a carrot?
Sunday Funday: Don’t tell me English is difficult!
I don’t want to hear it! I had to learn German and that stuff is insane!
Saturday Supplement: “Thank you” A poem by Lana Williams
A poem to say thank you to all my learners
Gateway to Grammar: Phrasal verbs with “Call”
Phrasal verbs (or split verbs) are verbs that are made of more than one word. Many of the most common phrases in English are phrasal verbs! Why? Because the English are awkward.
Wednesday Wildcard: Parent-Teacher English Vocabulary
I searched the internet for materials to teach my students useful phrases for talking to teachers about their children. I found nothing so I decided to make my own.
Business Builder: English Lunch Meetings
It can be difficult to find opportunities to practice your Business English speaking in a low-pressure situation
Vocabulary Showcase: “Natural”
I listen to those around me in the winter, and they see it as cold, dark, sad, and depressing. When I look around in the winter, I see stunning natural beauty all around me.
Sunday Funday: I have a cat problem
I don’t have a cat problem. YOU have a cat problem.