Gateway to Grammar: Phrasal verbs using “drop”


Thanks for dropping by! The main verb “drop” pairs up with a few prepositions and makes phrasal verbs in the English language. Let’s have a look at some of those drop phrasal verbs and their meanings in use:

·         Drop in/drop by – Visit quickly on the way to or from somewhere: “I’ll drop in on Cathy on the way back from the bank and say hi.” “I’ll drop by Cathy’s house on the way back from the bank.”

·         Drop out – Leave a course, education, or team without finishing: “I dropped out of university in 2020. I just didn’t want to study anymore.”

·         Drop off – End very quickly: “The cliffs near Dover drop off very suddenly by the sea”.

·         Drop off – Take someone somewhere by car and then leave: “I am dropping the kids off at school at 08:45”.

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Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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