About Wright English and where it is going

About Wright English and where it is going

Wright English is a start-up (brand new company), built on my dream for how English should be taught. Right now, Wright English is a baby. It’s not even two months old. While I have the experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications and training, not many people know about it yet. I want to share with you my vision for the future of Wright English, so you can see if this is an idea worth sharing.

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I am an English beginner, does watching English Kids TV help?

I am an English beginner, does watching English Kids TV help?

You want to improve your English, and you are a beginner learner. First of all, WELCOME TO WRIGHT ENGLISH! Maybe you have thought about watching Kids TV to help you learn. Kids improve their English through cartoons right? How will it work for you?

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Is listening to English songs a good way to learn English?

Is listening to English songs a good way to learn English?

Is listening to English songs a good way to learn?
Yes and no. There you go, that’s the simple answer. For a more detailed answer read on!

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