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Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Jumble”
This week we are looking at the verb to “jumble” something, or to “jumble (something) up”, meaning to mix things and confuse them.

Vocabulary Showcase: Gender Identity Vocabulary
Welcome to a gender identity exploring Vocabulary Showcase! If you have ever been a little unsure of the correct words to describe people’s genders, or the correct prepositions, I’m here to help.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘Sex’
Don’t worry we aren’t here to get weird about this topic, but let’s be honest about this - sex is a thing that people do, and it’s a word we need to know and understand. It’s also a word with many synonyms (other words with the same meanings) and it would be a good idea to understand what they mean for many reasons!

Vocabulary Showcase: Adjectives Describing Amounts
It’s great knowing lots of different words for everyday objects and actions, but sometimes you need to describe the amount of something. Sometimes you need to say “There is too little light in here”, or “This is just too much housework!”. So, let’s explore some vocabulary for describing the amount of something and whether it’s right for you.

Vocabulary Showcase - Synonyms for ‘Sad’
Sometimes you just feel sad, and that’s normal. It’s important to explain how you feel. Let’s look at different words with the same meaning (synonyms) as sad.

Vocabulary Showcase: Atrocity vs. Tragedy and the Important Difference
Words change their meanings all the time, this is normal for a culture and a language. But, there are times when we need to think about the power that words have, and what the consequences of powerful words changing their meanings could be.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for Integrity
Let’s talk about integrity: what it means, and other words that mean similar things (synonyms). Integrity means being honest in what you say and what you do. It also usually means having moral ideals and sticking to them (not going against your own ideals).

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘Celebrate’
It’s Vocabulary Showcase and Ginger might have lost a friend there, but at least he has some great photos of Gavin to laugh at for years to come. This week we are looking at synonyms (other words with the same meaning) for celebrate.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Because”
Don’t worry, Sandra has her reasons for being in a washing machine and I’m sure she will be fine. This week we are looking at some synonyms (different words meaning the same) for ‘because’, because sometimes we need to explain why we do things.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘Shiny’
All those beautiful shiny decorations on the tree… well, they are only on the tree if you don’t have a cat. let’s look at some synonyms for the word shiny.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Not Good Enough”
There has to be a way to say something is “not good enough” that’s quicker right? Correct! Actually, there are many different ways to say it quickly. Let’s take at look them in some example sentences, with extra helpful information.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Cozy”
This week, we are looking at synonyms (words with the same meaning) for “cozy”, which means feeling comfortable, warm, and safe.

Film Vs Movies – What’s right? Where do They Come from?
As the UK, USA, Canada and Australia share more and more media with each other, there is increasing confusion over the “right way” to say certain things. Pavement or sidewalk? Ditch, Dyke, or Culvert? Cinema, Theatre, or Movies? Very confusing! If you are wondering which way to describe a film is “correct” I have bad news. They are all correct, in different places.

Vocabulary Showcase: Great Britain – Land of the Tattooed People
The English language is generally accepted as a language with most of its origins being from North West Germany. What do we make of the name ‘Britain’ then? That’s not Germanic. So where does it come from?

Vocabulary Showcase: Where Does the World Albino Come from?
Have you ever seen a white wallaby? A white squirrel? Have you been lucky enough to see a white peacock? I saw white (albino) wallabies in the zoo, and my brain went to where it always goes… where does the word ‘albino’ come from?

Vocabulary Showcase: Pub or Bar? What’s the Difference?
The pubs (short for public houses) are opening again in England today. Have you ever wondered what the difference between a pub and a bar is?