Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Jumble”

This week we are looking at the verb to “jumble” something, or to “jumble (something) up”, meaning to mix things and confuse them. I’m dyslexic so I can jumble up “bread” and “Jane”, and end up calling my colleague “bread”. So, let’s have a look at some other words with the same meaning (synonyms).

a man looks at a pile of mixed up puzzle pieces while someone asks him "Can you bring me the blue one please?"

Synonyms for “Jumble” (v)

Here is a list of helpful words with the same meaning as jumble:

  • mix up (verb, general) - “I mixed up everyone’s name this morning. I called Jon Allison!”

  • muddle (verb, old-fashioned) - “All the pens are muddled up, I can’t find the right one.”

  • garble (verb, general) - “I listened to my answerphone message but it was all garbled. I have no idea what it said.”

  • mess up (verb, informal) - “Someone messed up the post, I got the letters for next door.”

  • scramble (verb, general) - “My brain is completely scrambled, I have forgotten where we are driving to.”

  • tangle (verb, general) - “All my memories of that holiday are tangled together.”

  • shuffle (verb, general) - “Oh no, all my papers are shuffled together, I don’t know what’s what.”

Summing Up

Hopefully, you muddle things less than I do. But now you can tell people every time you scramble your phone numbers, mix up your pizza order, or garble a sentence!

What Do the Vocabulary Tags Mean?

(informal) - These words are used more when speaking, between friends and family, and in relaxed situations.

(general) - These words are used often and in many situations.

(verb) - These words describe actions like run, eat, sleep, and walk.

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.


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