Weird But Educational - The Wright English Blog
By Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
GAG - GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
By Blog Topic
“My English isn’t very good. Am I good enough to learn with you?”
I get asked this a lot. Maybe I have a scary face! In short the answer is, you are good enough to learn with me. If you can tell me about your English using English, we can communicate enough to have lessons together.
I’m dyslexic, how can I learn another language?
If you are dyslexic, you might think trying to learn and improve in another language will be almost impossible for you. I am here to tell you that you might be surprised!
Is listening to English Songs a Good Way to Learn English?
Is listening to English songs a good way to learn?
Yes and no. There you go, that’s the simple answer. For a more detailed answer read on!
Who Can I Practice My English With?
You are developing these new English language skills, and you are ready to practice them with others. Who do you practice with? Maybe you live alone, none of your friends or family speak English. Maybe the people you know don’t like to use their English with you. Maybe you live in the middle of nowhere in a field like I do! Don’t worry. There is always a way!
Why Should I Learn English Grammar?
This is a question I get asked a lot. People think about learning a language and they remember sitting in a school room saying “I am going to the cinema” 100 times, and writing “I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are”, until they want to jump out the window. I understand. Some of our learning experiences were not great! Let’s explore why grammar is important, and how it helps you.
Why it’s So Important to Make Mistakes When Learning English
You are learning a new language. You are OK with all the exercises in the book, and it feels fine to practice with your teacher. Then you try it out with a waiter in an English restaurant. You want to be polite but you accidentally say “thanking you miss” to a male waiter. Absolute disaster! Everyone you have ever met hears about this mistake. It’s on CNN every night for 3 days. Your friends are too embarrassed to speak to you.
Update focus: Jumping in Puddles - Past Simple Tense Quiz
You may have noticed I have been running around like a chicken with no head (English phrase meaning someone with no direction, running very quickly), updating the Wright English website. This week I have added 6 new grammar quizzes to the resources section. My most recent addition is a story quiz for kids about jumping in puddles.
New Grammar Guide available! The Complete Simple Guide to English tenses with Infographics.
A new Complete and Simple Guide to English Tenses with Infographics has been uploaded to the Resources section of the Wright English website.
What is a Mascot? Where Does the Word Come from?
When you buy a packet of Kellogg’s Frosties you see Tony the tiger looking strangely humanoid (like a human), and we have all been intimidated by the terrifying clown at McDonalds. These are mascots. Mascots are characters that represent a brand, a product, or a business. Wright English has Rupert the adorable (cute) fat robin. Rupert represents my lock-down tummy, my relaxed attitude to life, and he is permanently celebrating life like me.
What is it Like to be a Wright English Learner? - Lessons with Lana
It can be hard to imagine what you will get from a service you have never had before. Let me walk you through what it is like to learn English with me as your teacher.
Imagine you are on your way home from work on Tuesday evening and you are starting to feel sick. You know you have a lesson tomorrow evening, but you don’t think you will be well enough. You email me, and we rearrange your appointment for the following Monday. You pay nothing for the cancellation because you gave 24 hours notice.
Tips to Identify English Tenses - Think Lego
It is no secret that the English language has more than its fair share of tenses. We are very particular about time. To new learners it can be a bit overwhelming, like when I had to try to understand why tables and chairs were boys and girls in French and Spanish. If all chairs are boys, where do little chairs come from? Here are some tips to help you identify tenses in English.
Film Vs Movies – What’s right? Where do They Come from?
As the UK, USA, Canada and Australia share more and more media with each other, there is increasing confusion over the “right way” to say certain things. Pavement or sidewalk? Ditch, Dyke, or Culvert? Cinema, Theatre, or Movies? Very confusing! If you are wondering which way to describe a film is “correct” I have bad news. They are all correct, in different places.
Great Britain – Land of the Tattooed People
The English language is generally accepted as a language with most of its origins being from North West Germany. What do we make of the name ‘Britain’ then? That’s not Germanic. So where does it come from?
Kids Corner: Making English Lessons Fun
So your child doesn’t want to do their homework. They don’t enjoy their after school tutoring sessions, they would rather be kicking a ball around with their friends. Let’s talk about why, and what can be done to change that.
Vocabulary Showcase: Where Does the World Albino Come from?
Have you ever seen a white wallaby? A white squirrel? Have you been lucky enough to see a white peacock? I saw white (albino) wallabies in the zoo, and my brain went to where it always goes… where does the word ‘albino’ come from?
Vocabulary Showcase: Where Does the Word ‘Hedgehog’ Come from?
How often do you learn a new word in a foreign language and think about where that word came from? How was it ‘born’, who were it’s ‘language parents’? Most people look at the little spikey creature with its pointy face, little black eyes and cute little feet and think “That’s a hedgehog” and go no further. I’m Lana Betts though and I’m always curious, so join me in my hedgehog investigation.
Vocabulary Showcase: Hindi’s Colourful Influence on the English Language
Britain and India have a long history together. As a result of this history, the English language has many Hindi words that we use every day without even thinking about it.
Nirvana - Heavenly spiritual enlightment
Vocabulary Showcase: Where Does the Word ‘Enamoured’ Come from?
To be enamoured with something means to strongly like something.
The English language is heavily influenced by old French. In old French en = in, amour = love. So to be enamoured with something means to be in love with it. Knowing where a word comes from can help to remember it, and to remember how to spell it.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘Unity’
Unity: Being united or joined together as 'one'. We are living in a time when working together and thinking of others keeps ourselves and the rest of the world safe. More than ever before we need to be united as one people. So here are some other ways to describe oneness in English:
Vocabulary Showcase: Pub or Bar? What’s the Difference?
The pubs (short for public houses) are opening again in England today. Have you ever wondered what the difference between a pub and a bar is?