Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for ‘Unity’

Unity means being united or joined together as 'one'. We are living in a time when working together and thinking of others keeps ourselves and the rest of the world safe. More than ever before we need to be united as one people. So here are synonyms (other words meaning the same thing) for ‘unity’ in English:

Synonyms for ‘Unity’ in Use

  • Union (noun) - “NATO is a union of countries trying to keep international peace.”

  • Unison (noun) - “We stand here today in unison to celebrate the Olympic Games.”

  • Harmony (noun) - “I try to live in harmony with nature because we share the same forest as home.”

  • Togetherness (noun) - “Togetherness is important at Christmas.”

  • Interconnection (noun) - “I’m looking for interconnection. That’s why I’m looking for friends by joining interest groups.”

  • Confederation* (noun) - “There is a small confederation of countries that work together to protect their access to clean water.”

    *Confederation has other meanings in the USA because of the civil war which began in 1861!

Summing Up

Enjoy your new words meaning unity and try them out in your everyday life. Just be careful how you use ‘confederation’ because of the war connotations in the USA. I recommend avoiding the use of confederation with US citizens!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.


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