About Wright English and where it is going

About Wright English and where it is going

Wright English is a start-up (brand new company), built on my dream for how English should be taught. Right now, Wright English is a baby. It’s not even two months old. While I have the experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications and training, not many people know about it yet. I want to share with you my vision for the future of Wright English, so you can see if this is an idea worth sharing.

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Why should I learn English Grammar?

Why should I learn English Grammar?

This is a question I get asked a lot. People think about learning a language and they remember sitting in a school room saying “I am going to the cinema” 100 times, and writing “I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are”, until they want to jump out the window. I understand. Some of our learning experiences were not great! Let’s explore why grammar is important, and how it helps you.

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