What the Fluff Wednesday: I think I live in Sleepy Hollow
“Booooooo” and other ghost noises. I love it when it gets really foggy (weather with low clouds making it difficult to see) in England. I feel like I am living in a spooky film.
What The Fluff Wednesday: I’m a Cat With a Laptop Meme (and FAQ)
I’m a highly productive cat on a keyboard. Actually I’m a real human with thumbs and everything. Look this is me, a real human being (and that’s my old Wright English logo).
What The Fluff Wednesday: Demons or English Lessons Meme
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gentlethems (non-binary people), as you can see I am a very serious English Teacher and I never Joke. I have also redesigned my website and company logo. That’s why the website is such a mess, lol.
What The Fluff Wednesday: How Social Media Reacts to a New Post
Dear Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gentlethems, thank you for all you do to share the word of Wright English. If you would like to follow me on a different platform have a look at these locations!
WTF Wednesday: New English Student Meme
What The Fluff Wednesday, or WTF Wednesday, is when I get my old lady graphical “skills” out to make fun images to do with learning and teaching English. If you have followed me for a while you will remember these excellent examples of humour from Sunday Funday and Wildcard Wednesday. I wanted to give them their own day again every week, so here it is.
What the Fluff Wednesday: English is “Easy”
I’m an English teacher, and many people have told me how “easy” English is to learn. I like to remind people that reading English and speaking English are two different things, and for many people, it’s a bit like roulette choosing the spelling and pronunciation.
Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “fart”
Ladies and gentle people, today we are looking at new and exciting ways to say the word “fart”.
Vocabulary Showcase: “bad”
Exactly how “bad” do your socks smell? Are they only a little bit bad? Or are the extremely bad?
When even Google Search knows you are a weirdo
I swear I don’t….
Sunday Funday: I’m a sad owl
Is this what my future stress and anxiety nightmares will look like?
Sunday Funday: Teacher-Zilla
The truth is I just say “Yeah no worries. It’s up to you”.
Sunday Funday: The English Teaching Mafia
I post English teaching memes every Sunday. Have I gone too far?
Sunday Funday: Calculator Wizardry
Teach me how to English with a calculator!
Kids Corner: Madlibs - Fun English games for kids
Madlibs are funny little improvised (not planned) stories where words are missing.
Vocabulary Showcase: British insults without swearing
It is a bit of a British tradition to be gently mean to your friends. It is a strange way of showing you like them!
Sunday Funday: You don’t spellcheck your essays
I swear, if you don’t proofread your homework, I will dress like Austin Powers for our next private English lesson. You have been warned baby!
Sunday Funday: British and American English are 2 different languages
Sunday Funday: Don’t message me before coffee
What? And I suppose you wake up like an angelic teaching elf with all the patience of a friendly nurse on tranquilizers, do you? Well, I don’t! I run on coffee. If I haven’t had coffee either run, stay silent, or use full words in your emails.
Sunday Funday: When you run out of homework ideas
What is your essay going to say? “Today I only ate half of the fridge. Today was a good day”.
Saturday Supplement: A fed up working cat
“It’s a hard life being a working cat. There are so many sunbeams I can’t snooze in. Sometimes I get this itch under my chin, and the human just strokes the top of my head. What’s that about? That’s basically torture.