Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
Blog Topics

Kids Corner: School Support English Tutoring
So, you are finding schoolwork a little difficult because of the English? Maybe English is not your first language…

Vocabulary Showcase: “love”
Maybe you are all loved out already, but let’s have a look at some other ways of saying love in English

Sunday Funday: Happy Valentine’s day

Saturday Supplement: 150 Instagram followers!
I started the Wright English Instagram, learn_english_the_wright_way, in September 2020, and I’m so happy to see that it has reached 150 followers already.

Kids Corner: Free Practice 19th Century book online
Part of your exam might be reading a bit of 19th century English that you have never seen before. How do you prepare for that? Well, you get reading as much 19th century English as you can before you get to that exam.

Kids Corner: How to write the perfect English essay answer
To perfect your answers in English literature exams and coursework, use this easy method to structure each paragraph of your writing.

Kids Corner: “Intro to A Christmas Carol” (GCSE English)
You will be starting a new text in GCSE English classes soon in England. I will give you a little head start on “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, and help you look like a total bad ass in your English classes.

Kids Corner: Understand your Author (GCSE)
If you want to give yourself a head start in your G.C.S.E English literature classes (or mixed English classes) I have a very useful tip for you: Understand your author!

Kids Corner: Personification
Personification is when you give an object, thing, or animal the qualities of a human. So basically, every Disney film ever personifies animals.

Kids Corner: How to enjoy reading old English books
You are sitting in your English lesson and you hear the words “This book was written in…” and you pray it’s in the last 20 years right? Can this book please be in COLOUR?!

Kids Corner: How to start a story
Creative writing can be difficult, and the most difficult part is the start. We can’t start with “Once upon a time” anymore.

A Wright English Poem
Hello there! It’s me, Lana Betts,
I’ve been waiting to meet you, I’ve prepared my headset,
I’m excited to help you achieve all your goals,
And work with you as your great future unfolds…

Wednesday Wildcard: T.S. Watt’s Pronunciation Poem
Here is a silly poem about how difficult English pronunciation can be! Enjoy:
"I take it you already know
of touch and bough and cough and dough?
Others may stumble, but not you….