Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
Blog Topics

Kids Corner: Comparing and Analysing poetry - Literary techniques
Part four of analysing and comparing poetry for GCSE and A-Level is Literary techniques!

Wednesday Wildcard: Use poetry to improve your English
Is there a little voice in you that wants to play with colours or build something? Maybe you are a creative soul. I like to look for new and creative ways to learn English, and this week I want to talk about poetry.

Gateway to Grammar: The Word Sandwhich (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs)

Kids Corner: Funny Poems for Kids
“Oh flowery fluffy love muffin, how doth thy……” *SNORE*. Don’t worry I find that kind of poetry really boring too. But I have good news!

Saturday Supplement: “Thank you” A poem by Lana Williams
A poem to say thank you to all my learners