Kids Corner 01: Shakespear as a second language

Kids Corner 01: Shakespear as a second language

So you go to an English school and English is not your first language. At some point you will be learning Shakespeare. Nightmare right? You aren’t just learning modern English, now you have to learn Elizabethan English too? Who thought that was a good idea?!

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About Wright English and where it is going

About Wright English and where it is going

Wright English is a start-up (brand new company), built on my dream for how English should be taught. Right now, Wright English is a baby. It’s not even two months old. While I have the experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications and training, not many people know about it yet. I want to share with you my vision for the future of Wright English, so you can see if this is an idea worth sharing.

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Top 10 dos and don’ts to have a great time in England.

Top 10 dos and don’ts to have a great time in England.

Let’s pretend together that it is easy to travel at the moment, and you dream of visiting England in the UK. We are a generally accepting bunch (group of people), and like to avoid confrontation. Here are some important tips for not offending people and having a great time in England:

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Why should I learn English Grammar?

Why should I learn English Grammar?

This is a question I get asked a lot. People think about learning a language and they remember sitting in a school room saying “I am going to the cinema” 100 times, and writing “I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are”, until they want to jump out the window. I understand. Some of our learning experiences were not great! Let’s explore why grammar is important, and how it helps you.

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Why its so important to make mistakes when learning English

Why its so important to make mistakes when learning English

You are learning a new language. You are OK with all the exercises in the book, and it feels fine to practice with your teacher. Then you try it out with a waiter in an English restaurant. You want to be polite but you accidentally say “thanking you miss” to a male waiter. Absolute disaster! Everyone you have ever met hears about this mistake. It’s on CNN every night for 3 days. Your friends are too embarrassed to speak to you.

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