Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
Blog Topics

Wednesday Wildcard: Be Careful With Social Media English Accounts
After 2 years of teaching online I have to say, I am worried about what people are learning from social media “English lessons”.

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “fly”
Unfortunately, I can’t fly. Maybe Father Christmas (Santa) will give me wings for Christmas…

Kids Corner: Madlibs - Fun English games for kids
Madlibs are funny little improvised (not planned) stories where words are missing.

Saturday Supplement: All learners get life-time free social events
Did you know that all past and current Wright English students can join exclusive social groups and events?

Gateway to Grammar: Easy Identifying English Tenses
Is it have had? Have have? Well, that’s confusing enough. Let’s identify the parts of a sentence that show you what tense it is in. For these examples we will use the phrasal verb “switch on”.

Vocabulary Showcase: “love”
Maybe you are all loved out already, but let’s have a look at some other ways of saying love in English

Sunday Funday: Happy Valentine’s day

Saturday Supplement: 150 Instagram followers!
I started the Wright English Instagram, learn_english_the_wright_way, in September 2020, and I’m so happy to see that it has reached 150 followers already.

Kids Corner: Free English learning games
Adults want kids to superglue their faces to textbooks and become prize winning students in two weeks. Kids just want to have fun! Can we satisfy everyone? Well yes, almost!

Sunday Funday: English steals from Everyone
The English language? You mean Greek, German, Dutch, French, Latin, Hindi, and “Internet” all smashed together right? Yeah, that’s English.

Sunday Funday: Teacher’s January Survival Guide
It’s cold, everything is online, every day I feel like a grizzly bear coming out of hibernation too early, I need my January teacher’s survival kit.

Midweek Mini-lesson Cardinal and Ordinal numbers in English
Every language has a different way of making their ordinal numbers. So here is a quick review of Cardinal (counting) and ordinal (ordering) numbers in English.

Midweek Mini-Lesson 01: Vocabulary Mystery Game
Welcome to the very first Midweek mini-lesson. Today I'm going to show you a new way to learn lists of English vocabulary in a fun way. You can do this by yourself or with a friend to make it a little more fun.