Weird But Educational - The Wright English Blog
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Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
GAG - GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
By Blog Topic
Business Builder: How to Make Reports More Interesting to Read in English
No matter how advanced your English is, it can be a real challenge to make paperwork interesting to read. It is especially difficult to do when English is your second language. So, I’m here to give you some very simple tips that will help you create paperwork people want to read.
Kids Corner: Do you struggle with imagination? No problem!
Not everyone is a walking imagination machine. Some people are blessed with a lot of logic and technical ability. Unfortunately, you still need to practice creative writing at school because life is unfair.
Kids Corner: KS2 The Essay Burger
Organising an essay huh? Complicated isn’t it?! Even if you really know what you are talking about, somehow the information just seems more important than the structure right? I see what you mean but now it is time to become an essay master. It is time to be an essay burger slinger in the fast-food English lesson of life!