Wright English is 2 years old!
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken part in any way with the building of Wright English.
Happy Birthday Wright English. 1 Year old!
Happy Birthday Wright English!
Saturday Supplement: Inhale Reading Exhale Writing
I was interviewed on Instagram by the lovely Olga Bond from Poland (tesol.in.poland) to talk about techniques for helping learners improve their creative writing.
Important Wright English Updates are here!
Starting tomorrow, there will be daily social media and Wright English blog updates at 11:00 British Summer Time. Here's my update schedule:
*Monday – Vocabulary Showcase
We will start every week with a new phrase, word or expression to help you build your vocabulary!
A Wright English Poem
Hello there! It’s me, Lana Betts,
I’ve been waiting to meet you, I’ve prepared my headset,
I’m excited to help you achieve all your goals,
And work with you as your great future unfolds…
More Value for Your Money With Wright English
Paying for lessons is an investment in yourself and your future. These are difficult times globally and we are all feeling it financially. I will show you why having lessons with me is excellent value for money, and I will show you exactly what you get for that money.
About Wright English and Where it is Going
Wright English is a start-up (brand new company), built on my dream for how English should be taught. Right now, Wright English is a baby. It’s not even two months old. While I have the experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications and training, not many people know about it yet. I want to share with you my vision for the future of Wright English, so you can see if this is an idea worth sharing.
What is it Like to be a Wright English Learner? - Lessons with Lana
It can be hard to imagine what you will get from a service you have never had before. Let me walk you through what it is like to learn English with me as your teacher.
Imagine you are on your way home from work on Tuesday evening and you are starting to feel sick. You know you have a lesson tomorrow evening, but you don’t think you will be well enough. You email me, and we rearrange your appointment for the following Monday. You pay nothing for the cancellation because you gave 24 hours notice.
Film Vs Movies – What’s right? Where do They Come from?
As the UK, USA, Canada and Australia share more and more media with each other, there is increasing confusion over the “right way” to say certain things. Pavement or sidewalk? Ditch, Dyke, or Culvert? Cinema, Theatre, or Movies? Very confusing! If you are wondering which way to describe a film is “correct” I have bad news. They are all correct, in different places.
Hello? Is it English you’re looking for?
(To the tune of Lionel Richie’s “Hello”)
I’ve thought about your English many times,
And in my dreams I’ve helped you write 10,000 lines,
I sometimes see your posts up on my wall,
Hello? Is it English you’re looking for
Why Fun is so Important for Learning English
As adults sometimes we think that fun isn’t important to learning, that’s for kids, right? Wrong. Research on the human brain shows that if you are enjoying yourself, you are much more likely to remember something. Why is that?
Where Does the Word Hedgehog Come from?
How often do you learn a new word in a foreign language and think about where that word came from? How was it ‘born’, who were it’s ‘language parents’? Most people look at the little spikey creature with its pointy face, little black eyes and cute little feet and think “That’s a hedgehog” and go no further. I’m Lana Betts though and I’m always curious, so join me in my hedgehog investigation.
Hindi’s Colourful Influence on the English Language
Britain and India have a long history together. As a result of this history, the English language has many Hindi words that we use every day without even thinking about it.
Nirvana - Heavenly spiritual enlightment
Enamoured - Where Does it Come From?
To be enamoured with something means to strongly like something.
The English language is heavily influenced by old French. In old French en = in, amour = love. So to be enamoured with something means to be in love with it. Knowing where a word comes from can help to remember it, and to remember how to spell it.
Ghost Words in the English Language
The English language has more words than any other language. It also has 'ghost words'. These are words that made it into the language by mistake.
Unity and Togetherness in English
Unity: Being united or joined together as 'one'. We are living in a time when working together and thinking of others keeps ourselves and the rest of the world safe. More than ever before we need to be united as one people. So here are some other ways to describe oneness in English:
Pub or Bar? What’s the difference?
The pubs (short for public houses) are opening again in England today. Have you ever wondered what the difference between a pub and a bar is?
Spelling tips for difficult words in English
Spelling can be a little tricky in English because it is a language that has many different "language parents" like latin, greek, and norse languages.
Quarantine - where does it come from?
The word "quarantine" comes from "quarantena" which means 40 days in 14th and 15th century Venetian. This comes from sailors staying in their boats for 40 days before they could come onto dry land. This was during a pandemic.