Wright English is 2 years old!
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken part in any way with the building of Wright English.
Wednesday Wildcard: New Wright English Office Colours!
Jaqueline Wright (My Mum) is the best! She came and decorated the office for me while I was on holiday!
Saturday Supplement: Business Update
Think of Wright English at the moment like a rollercoaster. Because of Covid a few people had to get off the roller coaster. They felt sick and couldn’t afford to keep going around anymore.
Saturday Supplement: Website updates coming!
There are some (exciting?) changes coming to the Wright English website. I am easily excited when it comes to Wright English, so I don’t think I am a good person to judge.
Saturday Supplement: A very 2021 Holiday
Wahooooo, holiday! OK, so all it really means this time is I will not teach lessons for a week, and I can sleep as long as I like. There will be regular social media updates all week, and I am still answering any questions or requests through email or over the telephone.