Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
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Blog Topics

Kids Corner: School Support English Tutoring
So, you are finding schoolwork a little difficult because of the English? Maybe English is not your first language…

Sunday Funday: Happy Valentine’s day

Kids Corner: How to write the perfect English essay answer
To perfect your answers in English literature exams and coursework, use this easy method to structure each paragraph of your writing.

Kids Corner: Understand your Author (GCSE)
If you want to give yourself a head start in your G.C.S.E English literature classes (or mixed English classes) I have a very useful tip for you: Understand your author!

Sunday Funday: Try not to summon a lemon
Sometimes cursive handwriting just causes more problems…

Kids Corner (KS3): How to discover your love of reading
One of your tasks for Key Stage 3 in English is to read independently. That means you need to peel your face off of Imposter or detach yourself from your bike for a few hours a week and stuff your head in a book.

Kids Corner KS2: How to join up your handwriting
Cursive (joined up) handwriting is something you need to learn in Year 4 in English schools. Everyone has their own method for teaching people how to join letters.

Kids Corner: Writing in the passive voice
So now at school you need to improve your writing for non-fiction. Fiction means written stories, non-fiction means written facts, or reference books. Dictionaries, textbooks, and books about real people like the Pope are non-fiction.

Kids Corner 01: Shakespear as a second language
So you go to an English school and English is not your first language. At some point you will be learning Shakespeare. Nightmare right? You aren’t just learning modern English, now you have to learn Elizabethan English too? Who thought that was a good idea?!