What The Fluff Wednesday: I’m a Cat With a Laptop Meme (and FAQ)
I’m a highly productive cat on a keyboard. Actually I’m a real human with thumbs and everything. Look this is me, a real human being (and that’s my old Wright English logo).
What The Fluff Wednesday: Demons or English Lessons Meme
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gentlethems (non-binary people), as you can see I am a very serious English Teacher and I never Joke. I have also redesigned my website and company logo. That’s why the website is such a mess, lol.
WTF Wednesday: New English Student Meme
What The Fluff Wednesday, or WTF Wednesday, is when I get my old lady graphical “skills” out to make fun images to do with learning and teaching English. If you have followed me for a while you will remember these excellent examples of humour from Sunday Funday and Wildcard Wednesday. I wanted to give them their own day again every week, so here it is.
Sunday Funday: Oh Christmas Tree
Christmas is just a time you KNOW the cats rule the house and they just allow you to sleep in it…
When even Google Search knows you are a weirdo
I swear I don’t….
Sunday Funday: I’m a sad owl
Is this what my future stress and anxiety nightmares will look like?
Sunday Funday: It’s OK I’m an English Teacher!
Get me a dictionary, a glass of brandy, and some digestive biscuits! I can handle this!
Sunday Funday: British Teeth Meme
How rude! How dare you say I have wonky teeth because I’m British!
Sunday Funday: What Spongebob is your English?
What is your Spongebob English level? Many people find they are BUFF BOB at reading and writing, but are WEENY BABY BOB at speaking.
Sunday Funday: Teacher-Zilla
The truth is I just say “Yeah no worries. It’s up to you”.
Sunday Funday: Silent letters are just to trick you
It’s a global conspiracy…
Sunday Funday: We Speak English not Bingo
Don’t make me learn Text-Speak
Sunday Funday: The English Teaching Mafia
I post English teaching memes every Sunday. Have I gone too far?
Sunday Funday: Calculator Wizardry
Teach me how to English with a calculator!
Sunday Funday: I put French in your English
I Put some French in your English…
Sunday Funday: You don’t spellcheck your essays
I swear, if you don’t proofread your homework, I will dress like Austin Powers for our next private English lesson. You have been warned baby!
Sunday Funday: British and American English are 2 different languages
Sunday Funday: I enjoy your pain
What can I say? I just really enjoy watching you sweat! English teachers secret enjoy your pain.
Sunday Funday: Don’t message me before coffee
What? And I suppose you wake up like an angelic teaching elf with all the patience of a friendly nurse on tranquilizers, do you? Well, I don’t! I run on coffee. If I haven’t had coffee either run, stay silent, or use full words in your emails.
Sunday Funday: “There is always a Deeper Meaning”
I don’t want to hear it! Every author in the history of humankind, has had at least 7 levels of meaning in every single word used in a book.