Weird But Educational→The Wright English Blog
GCSE and A-Level Goblin - Thursdays
Gateway to Grammar - Fridays
Weekly Series
Vocabulary Showcase - Mondays
Business Builder - Tuesdays
What The Fluff Wednesday - Wednesdays
Blog Topics

Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “Understand”
Once again, I will say that English is a funny language. You can use the same word for a small stick on a tree, to explain that you have understood something…

Saturday Supplement: Times are tough, can you help?
Times are tough for Wright English. They could definitely be worse, but my cat colleagues and I are struggling, and we need your help. Your help will not cost you a penny.

Sunday Funday: Don’t message me before coffee
What? And I suppose you wake up like an angelic teaching elf with all the patience of a friendly nurse on tranquilizers, do you? Well, I don’t! I run on coffee. If I haven’t had coffee either run, stay silent, or use full words in your emails.

YOU ARE WANTED - Spaces for new English students!
Right now, I have some spaces for new English students! So, you are wanted! All levels welcome. All ages welcome.

Sunday Funday: English club has no rules
One does not simply learn English! (that’s a lord of the rings reference). Just when you think you have learned a rule, an irregular verb comes along and ruins all your fun. Cruel cruel English.

Gateway to Grammar: Possessive S
Would you say “the butt of the duck”, or “the duck’s butt”? Native English people would always say the duck’s butt.

Vocabulary Showcase: “new”
It’s January 2021, and I don’t know about you, but I have been desperate to start this year and leave 2020 behind.

Sunday Funday: Typos that do not dissapoint
Sometimes you google something and get more than you bargained for.

Saturday Supplement: Teacher life in the holidays
On one hand I get a lot of time off at Christmas, on the other hand I get maybe a little too much time off at Christmas.

Happy New Year from Wright English!
Happy New Year to everyone! 2021 has many promises for us all of a better future.

Sunday Funday: The dog ate my homework
Just say you didn’t do it!

Wright English FAQ: How long do I need English lessons for?
I am answering another frequently asked question today. There are so many different variables (things that change) involved there is no simple answer.

I’m dyslexic, how can I learn another language?
If you are dyslexic, you might think trying to learn and improve in another language will be almost impossible for you. I am here to tell you that you might be surprised!