Value for your money with Wright English

Value for your money with Wright English

Paying for lessons is an investment in yourself and your future. These are difficult times globally and we are all feeling it financially. I will show you why having lessons with me is excellent value for money, and I will show you exactly what you get for that money.

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About Wright English and where it is going

About Wright English and where it is going

Wright English is a start-up (brand new company), built on my dream for how English should be taught. Right now, Wright English is a baby. It’s not even two months old. While I have the experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications and training, not many people know about it yet. I want to share with you my vision for the future of Wright English, so you can see if this is an idea worth sharing.

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Your English is improving, but you don’t feel like you are working hard enough?

Your English is improving, but you don’t feel like you are working hard enough?

Remember when you first started to learn English? It felt like you worked really hard every lesson and you left the classroom knowing so much more every time! Now you are a more advanced learner and you are starting to feel like your progress is slowing down, and you don’t feel like you are working hard enough anymore. Does this sound familiar? Let’s explore why this might be.

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Frequency: How often should I have English Lessons?

Frequency: How often should I have English Lessons?

My learners are not used to being offered the freedom to decide how often they have their lessons, and how long those lessons should be. The ultimate decision of how you schedule your English learning with me is your choice, but I have guidance to help you decide.

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I am an English beginner, does watching English Kids TV help?

I am an English beginner, does watching English Kids TV help?

You want to improve your English, and you are a beginner learner. First of all, WELCOME TO WRIGHT ENGLISH! Maybe you have thought about watching Kids TV to help you learn. Kids improve their English through cartoons right? How will it work for you?

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Ten quick tips to improve your academic and report writing in English

Ten quick tips to improve your academic and report writing in English

It’s normal to focus on WHAT you are saying when you are speaking a second language, and not so much on how you say it. There are some differences to how we write in academic or business English, and how we write in casual English. Here are some quick tips to help you on your way

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Why a little bravery is essential to improve your English.

Why a little bravery is essential to improve your English.

Many people find that they are comfortable learning from a book or taking quizzes online. They learn a lot of useful grammar and improve their vocabulary. This is an excellent way to learn, but only for reading and writing. Languages are spoken. Much of the meaning in a language comes from the way you say something, and written English is only 30% of a complex living language. Let’s explore why it is important to speak, and why you need to be a little bit brave.

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Who can I practice my English with?

Who can I practice my English with?

You are developing these new English language skills, and you are ready to practice them with others. Who do you practice with? Maybe you live alone, none of your friends or family speak English. Maybe the people you know don’t like to use their English with you. Maybe you live in the middle of nowhere in a field like I do! Don’t worry. There is always a way!

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Why should I learn English Grammar?

Why should I learn English Grammar?

This is a question I get asked a lot. People think about learning a language and they remember sitting in a school room saying “I am going to the cinema” 100 times, and writing “I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are”, until they want to jump out the window. I understand. Some of our learning experiences were not great! Let’s explore why grammar is important, and how it helps you.

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Why its so important to make mistakes when learning English

Why its so important to make mistakes when learning English

You are learning a new language. You are OK with all the exercises in the book, and it feels fine to practice with your teacher. Then you try it out with a waiter in an English restaurant. You want to be polite but you accidentally say “thanking you miss” to a male waiter. Absolute disaster! Everyone you have ever met hears about this mistake. It’s on CNN every night for 3 days. Your friends are too embarrassed to speak to you.

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Grammar Quizzes are available!

Grammar Quizzes are available!

The newest part of the Wright English website is now being built, and grammar quizzes are on their way. In the new Resources section, the General English Present Simple Tense quiz is now available for you and your friends to try for free. You can test your present simple tense skills, and share the results with others.

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What is it like to be a Wright English learner? - Lessons with Lana
Learning English online Lana Betts Learning English online Lana Betts

What is it like to be a Wright English learner? - Lessons with Lana

It can be hard to imagine what you will get from a service you have never had before. Let me walk you through what it is like to learn English with me as your teacher.
Imagine you are on your way home from work on Tuesday evening and you are starting to feel sick. You know you have a lesson tomorrow evening, but you don’t think you will be well enough. You email me, and we rearrange your appointment for the following Monday. You pay nothing for the cancellation because you gave 24 hours notice.

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