Kids Corner: How do I concentrate when I write? ADHD

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Help Lana, I’m a creative energy explosion and sticking to one topic is almost impossible for me! Well first of all congratulations on having the energy of 1000 kids. I wish I did! I have the energy of half a kid.

So sometimes people find it really difficult to focus on one task because they are so energetic and creative. I have a tip that might help you! It helps some people, it might not help everyone, but it is worth a try, right?

Next time you need to write an essay, or a story, or anything really try this:

Step 1: Get the paper or word document you will be writing your school piece on.

Step 2: Get another paper or word document you will be writing your creative genius explosions on.

Step 3: Spend 5 minutes planning your writing piece (Who is in it? What is the situation? How will you start, and where will you end?) this will help you when you come back later.

Step 4: It is time for a 1-minute dance party /singing session / drawing adventure / rap battle. Do something to let that creative part of you enjoy itself. Any ideas you can put in words or pictures you should put on your second piece of paper.

Step 5: Back to the writing piece!

Essentially you want to keep going between your concentration time and your brain party time. If you find 10 minutes focus and 2 minutes brain party, try that. Experiment with whatever works best for you.

With this method you have a place for your creative explosions to live, and somewhere for your focussed school work to live. If anything in the creativity explosion looks like it would really help in your school work, add it in! Give it a go and tell me how it works for you!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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