Kids Corner: Collective nouns are funny

So that is a “walk” of snails. It turns out that groups of animals have names. You might have heard of a pride of lions or a pack of dogs. Some of these names can be pretty funny. Let’s take a look!

·         A cauldron of bats – a cauldron is that huge black pot you see witches making potions in

·         A nuisance of cats – a nuisance is something that makes life difficult or annoying

·         An army of caterpillars

·         A cowardice of dogs! – so cats are annoying but dogs are cowards?

·         A parade of elephants

·         A tower of giraffes

·         A smack of jellyfish

There are so many more. If you enjoy these collective nouns let me know and I will do a part 2!

Have a great day and take some pictures if you come across a cauldron of bats. If you walk past a zoo on the way to school, you can tell everyone you saw a tower of giraffes!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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