Business Builder: Breaking Creative Block in 5 steps

You can experience creative block in any field of expertise. Being an English teacher requires a lot of creativity! I often get creative block – that feeling that you just cannot think of a good idea, or do any more creative work. When your job is creating, that can be terrifying!

Here are my tips for breaking creative block gently and effectively:

1. Set new rules: There are no mistakes, and its OK to need a break.

2. Start something totally different, and give your brain a break. Learn a new language/ garden/ start hiking/ build a cardboard cat house!

3. Find something in your career YOU want to do. Are you a painter? What would you find silly, funny, or heart-warming to paint for yourself? – Remember this is for you, there are no mistakes, you are finding the passion and fun again in what you do.

4. Pick a small manageable work project, and work it exclusively to completion. Take your time, and don’t put pressure on yourself.

5. Allow yourself to feel the success of a job well done!

This is a very simple set of instructions for a very difficult situation. For some people the block might be because of something else. Remember that there is no shame in asking to see a professional for help. We all need it sometimes.

Take care of yourself like you would a Ferrari!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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