The Complete Guide to English Tenses with Infographics
The tenses (different grammar for time) in English can be a little difficult to understand. Here is a complete guide to all 12 major verb tenses in the English language, and conditional sentences. Each verb tense has Infographics and examples to help you understand how the verbs are changed in that tense, and which time each tense is for. There are also examples of the different ways that tense can be used.
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When do I use the Present Simple Tense?
1. When something is generally, or always, true.
Cars drive on the road.
Does it rain a lot in England?
Cats don’t (do not) eat sweets.
2. When something is long-term and is not likely to change
I have 2 brothers.
Sid works at the hospital in town.
I don’t (do not) like mushrooms.
3. When a situation is a habit or is done often.
Claire plays tennis and football.
Does he fly to Jamaica every year?
I don’t (do not) smoke.
Special Uses for the Present Simple Tense
The present simple can be used to talk about the future when there is a fixed plan to do something, like a timetable.
The train to Birmingham leaves at 09:43.
The Batman film doesn’t (does not) end until 22:30.
What time does the meeting start?