Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “rebel”


Simon is such a rebel. He lives life by his own rules. Society can’t tell Simon what to do, he’s a free pelican!

Rebels are people who are not controlled by society, laws, or religions. Let’s look at some other ways to say someone is a rebel!

Technical or academic adjectives:

·         Dissenter

·         Dissident

·         Non-conformist

Everyday adjectives:

·         Maverick

·         Bad boy (for some reason bad girl does not work for women… it just sounds wrong)

·         Rogue

Adjectives that are negative:

·         Hooligan (often used to talk about violent football fans)

·         Trouble maker


Are you a maverick? I’m definitely a non-conformist. I dress like a crazy person, drink my breakfast coffee in the front garden, and my living room design is based on ancient (very very old) Egyptian religion. What do you do that makes you a bit of rogue? Let me know in the comments!


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