Saturday Suppliment: Meet Nanook

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Its Saturday so its time for the Wright English Supplement. Let’s meet the team!

Name: Nanook Betts

Company Role: I’m the CEO of Wright English, Head Cuddler and the Emergency Doorbell Monitor.

Favourite quote: “You cannot look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.” – Jane Pauley

Your top 3 favourite Podcasts/Books?: I don’t listen to podcasts or read books. Any distractions from having my head rubbed are inefficient, unprofessional, and a waste of time.

What is something that CEO’s have to deal with that you want to fix?: Many CEO’s, especially of small companies, have to deal with delegation. Other CEO’s worry about micro-managing and keeping tabs on their employees. I am pioneering a new method of running a company. My leadership style is to sleep under the bed throughout the working day. I am too adorable to wake up, therefore my underlings have to make executive decisions and use their initiative.

What do you do at Wright English?: I mostly sleep and get raspberries blown on my tummy. My most active role is that of Emergency Doorbell Monitor. I am responsible for the safety of my office and my staff. Whenever the doorbell rings, or I see someone walk past the office, I growl at the top of my voice and then bravely run underneath the bed and fall asleep.

What are your credentials and past experience, for working in your position?: No one can macro-manage like me. I am the most hands-off boss in the business. I am also basically huge so everyone does what I say. If that doesn’t work, I say “no” in a tiny kitten voice, and that always gets me what I want. You have to play to your strengths in a high stress position like CEO.

What do you like about working at Wright English?: No one makes me do anything… ever. We have a conservatory next to the office where I can watch birds walk around outside. I like to shout at them during the working day, it’s good for team moral.

What are the values that drive you?: I value my head being rubbed. If you don’t rub my head, I will rub my head on you. That’s just how life is when you are a big shot.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?: I enjoy getting half the garden stuck in my long fur and leaving a trail of twigs, mud, and leaves behind me everywhere I go. It’s modern art and I’m a connoisseur.

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