Saturday Supplement: Meet the Team! Kodi

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It's Saturday! Time for the Saturday Wright English Supplement:

Let's meet the team! Today we are interviewing Kodi to find out more about what he does at Wright English

Name: Kodi Betts

Company Role: I’m the head of Inhuman Resources (IhR), Wellbeing, and the company mouse specialist.

Favourite quote: “A cat will be your friend, but never your slave.” - Theophile Gautier.

Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?: Podcasts – “Cattitude”, and “In a Purrfect World”. Book – “Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: Big questions for tiny mortals” By Caitlin Doughty.

What is something that people in Inhuman Resources have to deal with that you want to fix?: Sometimes the company teacher looks stressed or down. It is my responsibility to cheer her up and support her as the head of wellbeing. Traditionally I bring her as many dead mice as I can, but I have noticed that this is not having the desired effect. I am still looking for the best solution to this common IhR problem. I have started trialling bringing in live mice, and slugs. I hope to be the first cat to bring these cutting edge advances to my industry.

What do you do at Wright English?: I have a vital role at Wright English. I am responsible for sleeping next to the teacher. I have to make sure there is a soft belly to tickle at all times. I take my job very seriously and scream at the office door if I am unable to get to my office cubicle. There will never be a teacher without an accessible tummy while I am head of wellbeing.

What are your credentials and past experience, for working in your position?: I am two years old and I have spent my entire life since I was 12 weeks of age working in this position. There is nobody more qualified to accept cuddles and shout at doors than me.

What do you like about working at Wright English?: I am actually rewarded in my position for sleeping all day long within reach of the teacher. My position comes with a lot of tuna and Dreamies. The office comes with a cat-sized mini takeaway; that’s the kind of modern work environment I like to be in.

What are the values that drive you?: Always be close to the human hand. Never leave a colleague alone for a second. Shout at every closed door. Continue to kill different small animals until I find the perfect way to reward my colleague.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?: I spend my evenings chasing everything that moves, and my favourite pastime is sitting on the teachers lap for 3 hours straight when she needs to go to the bathroom. She’s too polite to move me. I also enjoy digging holes in the lawn like a dog. I like to keep people guessing.


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