Kids Corner: Exams, what to do in those “Oh Fluff” Moments


So, you get into your in-class test or your final exam, everything is going well, and then your mind goes blank. This is your “Oh Fluff” moment. Don’t forget how to cat, there are always things you can do, no matter how terrible the situation seems.

Here are some “Oh Fluff” moments, and strategies to deal with them in exam conditions:

1.       Oh fluff, I’ve run out of time -> Use the time you have left to write the most important points. Then use the last few minutes to outline what you would have written if you had managed your time better. This tells the examiner its your time management that’s the problem, not your understanding.

2.       Oh fluff, I’ve run out of space -> Use a symbol like this * to show where you are adding in extra writing, and on another page put the symbol again, * then write what you would like to add in.

3.       Oh Fluff, I am panicking -> Stare at the clock for 5 minutes. It may feel like a waste of your time, but panicking makes it impossible for your brain to remember things and write well. It is really difficult for your brain to panic when it is bored, so get bored!

4.       Oh Fluff, I know what it is, but I can’t remember the right word for it -> Describe what it does, how it works or what it looks like. Points don’t go to the right word, they go to the right idea, and showing understanding.

5.       Oh Fluff, I can’t answer number 3 -> Don’t worry about it right now. Put a X by the question and answer all the other ones you can. Come back when you have time and look at the question again. You might find your brain has some new ideas now.

6.       Oh Fluff, I just don’t know the answer to this -> If you really don’t know, answer something that is close to the question that you do know. You might pick up some marks for this anyway.

What have your “Oh Fluff” moments been? Have you ever forgotten how to cat? I got so nervous in my exams that I had to wee every 10 minutes for 2 hours, and I was worried everyone thought I was cheating. Nope, not cheating, just peeing!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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