Gateway to Grammar : English adjective order

This is a tricky one. You can add loads of adjectives together in English to describe one thing, but there is a very strict order that the adjectives come in. The most important thing to know about this is that this is an advanced grammar topic. No native English person is going to have a problem with you getting adjectives in the wrong order, but if you want to, you can become grammar perfect.

There are many different adjective types, so for today I will focus on the 10 most common in order:

1.       Opinion – ugly, useless, wonderful

2.       Size – huge, tiny, small

3.       Shape – circular, round, wide

4.       Condition – dirty, smooth, clean

5.       Age – old, new, antique

6.       Colour – beige, blue, orange

7.       Pattern – stripey, flowery, polka-dotted

8.       Origin – American, Bulgarian, Jamaican

9.       Material - Metal, leather, wooden

10.   Purpose – dancing, running, rolling

This is not something that is easy to learn quickly, or think about when you are talking. Keep the faith, learn through practice and correction and eventually it will become 100% natural for you. Listening to spoken English is the best way to learn this without thinking about it.

So get your wonderful tiny wide clean antique orange polka-dotted Bulgarian leather dancing shoes out and celebrate your new English grammar skills!

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Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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