Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “cool”


Wow dude! That 90’s Memphis Milano background is radical man! I can’t stop hearing the theme tune to “Saved by the Bell” now (90's TV show).

This week we are looking at different slang (non-official) words for saying something or someone is cool! If someone is cool they are relaxed, confident looking, and alternative and attractive in some way. Through the years there have been many different ways to say cool, lets have a look at them in order of when they were used!

• Nifty (most old fashioned)

• Fab

• Groovy (70s)

• Radical (80s-90s)

• Way out (or far out) (90s)

• Neat

• Wild

• Boss (2010+)

• Lit (most modern)

I had a lot of fun thinking of this list and playing with the 90’s backgrounds. I love these slang words. They say so much about the time they were in. If you watch a TV show and someone says “groovy” you can be quite sure it was in the 1970s (or close to)!

In my personal life I have used “wicked”, “neat”, “nifty”, and “fab”. Now I look at that list and it shows I was born in the 80’s and I like old fashioned English! What phrases do you use in your language? What does it mean?

Google the theme tune to “Saved by the Bell!”

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.


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