Vocabulary Showcase: Synonyms for “photograph”

How many photos have you taken this Christmas and how many more will you take on New Year? Maybe you even got a new camera for Christmas. Lucky you! Also even luckier you, I am here to give you some new ways to say photograph!

·         Photo – This is just a shorter version of “photograph”

·         Print – This is a physical photograph. So if it is a photo you can hold it can be called a print!

·         Pic – This is any picture (and short for the word picture). So it can be pictures in a magazine as well as a photo.

·         Shot – completely the same as photograph

·         Snapshot /snap – completely the same as photograph


Get your phone out there, take some new years shots and have fun with your pics and prints!

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Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.


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