Vocabulary Showcase: “angry”

Debra needs a new hobby. I agree completely. I’m looking at you German people! Clowns are just freaky! *cough* Sorry I have strong opinions about clowns.

Let’s have a look at some new words to talk about how angry you are. This time I am putting them in order of least angry, to angriest!

·         (Least angry) Irked

·         Cross

·         Annoyed

·         Piqued

·         Vexed

·         Galled

·         Enraged

·         Furious

·         Incensed

·         (Angriest) Irate

How strong an emotion is differs from person to person. This list represents how I feel these words reflect anger-strength, but other people might think vexed is stronger than furious. In general though, this is a great way to increase your descriptive vocabulary, not only can you say the emotion but you can also say how strong it is.

If you want to see a furious (and terrified) English teacher, just join one of my online lessons dressed as a clown. To find out more about the private English lessons I teach online, visit www.wrightenglish.com.

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.


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