Gateway to Grammar: Prepositions of place and movement


Yep (informal yes), I found a way to make more educational cat pictures. Sorry I couldn’t get Simon to do anything more exciting. We are taking a look at prepositions of place (in and on) and movement (into and onto) and what the differences are.

Prepositions of Place

  • In and on

  • Used when something is not moving

Prepositions of Movement

  • Into and onto

  • Used when something is moving.

  • Describes where something is moving to.

  • Always has a verb (moving, walking, going, jumping…)

If Brian is in a bag, he is not leaving the bag at the moment. If Brian is walking into a bag, he is moving and inside the bag is where he is going to finished walking. Chris is jumping, that’s his verb, and “onto” is the preposition that tells us he will finish his jump on the floor!

That’s just a quick little update, but it can be helpful if you are giving directions, or if you like pictures of cats in bags!

Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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