Business Builder: Why you should learn Business English


So why learn Business English? There are many reasons why this is an essential skill in most businesses today.

1.       Business English and General English are very different: There are different politeness levels, with different grammar, different verbs, and different vocabulary and expectations. General English would prepare you to understand most Business English, but you would find talking very difficult.

2.       Learn what you need the most first: If English is essential for your business, why not focus on English for your career before you improve your English for social situations?

3.       Improve your workplace confidence and people skills: Work can be stressful, why not take the pressure off and make your everyday conversations with colleagues, clients, and business partners a stress-free and easy process?

4.       A passport for working in a new country: Business English is one of the most needed skills in the modern workplace around the world. This could make your dreams of living abroad possible.

5.       Better employment opportunities: Having great Business English skills could open doors to a promotion or a change of career.

If you would like to find out more about the Business English lessons I teach visit

To book a free one to one trial Business English lesson with me email and tell me why you want to learn Business English.

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Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.

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