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Business Builder: Business Small talk

You’ve just finished watching a presentation. Everyone else is having a quiet chat with the person next to them, and you and Christine, the presenter, are the only ones not talking. You want to say something to break the ice (make things more comfortable). This is a very common situation in business, and an excellent way to network.

Let’s have a look at some helpful ways to small talk with others in the English-speaking business world.

Talk about work:

·         So, how long have you been working here?

·         That was a great presentation, could you tell me more about ____?

·         How is the _____ project going?

·         How have you been finding the training so far?

·         What do you think the future of _____ is?


Talk about yourselves as colleagues:

·         We haven’t met before I’m ____.

·         Do you know a good place to get lunch?

·         Hi, I’m ____, Linda has talked a lot about you.


Carry on small talk when you have already met:

·         How was your weekend?

·         How did you find the journey in today?

·         Are you looking forward to _____ (interesting event in the future).

·         We are going to get some Chinese for lunch. Would you like to join us?


Most business relationships in the UK are quite informal. We use first names and are quite friendly. This can be different in different English-speaking countries. Try not to invite anyone to join you outside of work if you are alone, this may be seen as too forward, or that you are asking them on a date.

Remember the golden rule of small talk: No deep conversations (no religion, no politics, no personal business).

To find out more about the Business English lessons I teach online, visit www.wrightenglish.com.

To book yourself a free one to one trial Business English lesson email me at lana@wrightenglish.com and tell me what field of business you work in.

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