Wright English

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Business Builder: Business English for the Pharmaceutical Industry

So, you work in the pharmaceutical industry? Then you will be aware that you need to use many phrases and terms which are not needed in any other industry. Your career could be customer facing as a pharmacist, or more scientific in nature, exploring new treatments for animals or humans. Whatever your specific field, the English vocabulary and grammar you learn needs to be useful for your every-day business.

General English lessons will help you to communicate at the bank, with friends, on holiday, or with strangers to ask for directions. How helpful will General English be for a conference on developing new medical interventions involving enzymes? How prepared will you feel for giving a patient advice on the safety issues surrounding the use of a tricyclic antidepressant, or the long-term use of an opiate painkiller?

Specialised industries need specialised English language skills. With 8 years of experience teaching Business English for the pharmaceutical Industry for companies such as Bayer, UBC, and Schwartz Pharma, I can help you quickly and effectively improve your English skills.

To find out about the Business English lessons I teach, visit www.wrightenglish.com. You can also book a free one to one trial English lesson by emailing me at lana@wrightenglish.com. Tell me why you would like to improve your English.

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