5 Ways You Can Help Improve Your English Everyday for Free


Learning English doesn’t always have to involve big commitments and stressful social activities. Here are some ways you can make little improvements to your English every day:

1.       Word a day (vocabulary): Add a new word to your English vocabulary every day. Find a list of useful words online for the subject you want to improve. Try to use this word in your day, even if it is in your mind only.

2.       Diary in English (grammar practice and writing): Get a little notebook, and before you go to bed, write a very short entry about what you did that day.

3.       English Lunch (fluency and listening): Find a colleague or friend who is also interested in English, and have lunch with them regularly. The rules are you can only speak English.

4.       Podcasts (listening and vocabulary): Find an English podcast on a topic you are interested in. Play it as you make your way to work/school every day.

5.       Tell your story (fluency and grammar practice): As you walk around the house talk to yourself in English and tell the story of what you are doing.

The fastest and most effective way to improve your English will always be to take lessons, but these are simple and free things you can do in your own time to help you keep your English fresh and practiced.

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Lana Williams

Founder and owner of Wright English → Providing English language services since 2020. Lana lives and works in Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom, loves all things English, and is known to make silly jokes online.


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